作者: fchollet
建立日期 2015/06/15
最後修改日期 2020/04/30
描述: 使用字元級 LSTM 從尼采的著作中生成文字。
此範例示範如何使用 LSTM 模型逐字元生成文字。
至少需要 20 個 epoch,生成的文字才會開始聽起來局部連貫。
建議在 GPU 上執行此腳本,因為循環網路的計算量相當大。
如果您在新資料上嘗試此腳本,請確保您的語料庫至少有約 10 萬個字元。約 100 萬個字元更好。
import keras
from keras import layers
import numpy as np
import random
import io
path = keras.utils.get_file(
with io.open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
text = f.read().lower()
text = text.replace("\n", " ") # We remove newlines chars for nicer display
print("Corpus length:", len(text))
chars = sorted(list(set(text)))
print("Total chars:", len(chars))
char_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
indices_char = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
# cut the text in semi-redundant sequences of maxlen characters
maxlen = 40
step = 3
sentences = []
next_chars = []
for i in range(0, len(text) - maxlen, step):
sentences.append(text[i : i + maxlen])
next_chars.append(text[i + maxlen])
print("Number of sequences:", len(sentences))
x = np.zeros((len(sentences), maxlen, len(chars)), dtype="bool")
y = np.zeros((len(sentences), len(chars)), dtype="bool")
for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
x[i, t, char_indices[char]] = 1
y[i, char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1
Corpus length: 600893
Total chars: 56
Number of sequences: 200285
model = keras.Sequential(
keras.Input(shape=(maxlen, len(chars))),
layers.Dense(len(chars), activation="softmax"),
optimizer = keras.optimizers.RMSprop(learning_rate=0.01)
model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=optimizer)
def sample(preds, temperature=1.0):
# helper function to sample an index from a probability array
preds = np.asarray(preds).astype("float64")
preds = np.log(preds) / temperature
exp_preds = np.exp(preds)
preds = exp_preds / np.sum(exp_preds)
probas = np.random.multinomial(1, preds, 1)
return np.argmax(probas)
epochs = 40
batch_size = 128
for epoch in range(epochs):
model.fit(x, y, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=1)
print("Generating text after epoch: %d" % epoch)
start_index = random.randint(0, len(text) - maxlen - 1)
for diversity in [0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.2]:
print("...Diversity:", diversity)
generated = ""
sentence = text[start_index : start_index + maxlen]
print('...Generating with seed: "' + sentence + '"')
for i in range(400):
x_pred = np.zeros((1, maxlen, len(chars)))
for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
x_pred[0, t, char_indices[char]] = 1.0
preds = model.predict(x_pred, verbose=0)[0]
next_index = sample(preds, diversity)
next_char = indices_char[next_index]
sentence = sentence[1:] + next_char
generated += next_char
print("...Generated: ", generated)
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 13s 6ms/step - loss: 2.2850
Generating text after epoch: 0
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: " fixing, disposing, and shaping, reaches"
...Generated: the strought and the preatice the the the preserses of the truth of the will the the will the crustic present and the will the such a struent and the the cause the the conselution of the such a stronged the strenting the the the comman the conselution of the such a preserst the to the presersed the crustic presents and a made the such a prearity the the presertance the such the deprestion the wil
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: " fixing, disposing, and shaping, reaches"
...Generated: and which this decrestic him precession the consentined the a the heartiom the densice take can the eart of the comman of the freedingce the saculy the of the prestice the sperial its the artion of the in the true the beliefter of have the in by the supprestially the strenter the freeding the can the cour the nature with the art of the is the conselvest and who of the everything the his sour of t
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: " fixing, disposing, and shaping, reaches"
...Generated: es must dassing should as the upofing of eamanceicing conductnest ald of wonly lead and ub[ an it wellarvess of masters heave that them and everyther contle oneschednioss blens astiunts firmlus in that glean ar to conlice that is bowadjs by remain impoully hustingques it 2 otherewit fulureatity, self-stinctionce precerenccencenays may 'f neyr tike the would pertic soleititss too- mainfderna-
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: " fixing, disposing, and shaping, reaches"
...Generated: --the st coutity, what cout madvard; - his nauwe, theeals, antause timely chut"s, their cogklusts, meesing aspreesslyph: in woll the fachicmst, a nature otherfanience that wno=--in weakithmel masully conscance, he in the rem;rhti! there the wart woulditainally riseed to the knew but the menapatepate aisthings so toamand,y of has pructure in mawe,, grang tye cruratiom of the cortruguale, chirope ge
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 7s 4ms/step - loss: 1.6243
Generating text after epoch: 1
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "ies to which i belong?--but not to mysel"
...Generated: f its and and and another and in the experiences which all the conscience of the such a conscience and a thing of the sciented that the simply of the preservers that the superhations of the scientions and account of the the seems to the moral conscience of the scientions of the species of the scientions and an entime of the which all the a such a soulter and in the self-result and all the speciall
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "ies to which i belong?--but not to mysel"
...Generated: f for a man something of his man which is another and has be the the man be such another honest and which all that it is other in which all the himself of the would this concertaly in the thus decredicises of the a conscience of the consciences and man and dissenses of the highest and belief of the a thing a the will the conscience. the decerated the concertation of his very one many religio
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "ies to which i belong?--but not to mysel"
...Generated: ly hoppealit, or imptaicters to wan trardeness an oppoited fance, as the man" step-bsy-oneself form of his religion that the own an accosts the want that he the "consequent accidence justaverage bands one," which a such for this is roble, resitu in which as does not none, and highly in the "thy not be contramjy of a valsed about foreges. whicerera rapays. he which look be appearing to new imagness
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "ies to which i belong?--but not to mysel"
...Generated: f, jetyessphers; in the pposition whi; plajoy one civane. for a hert--saens. always that alsoedness resuritionly) stimcting? :wil "sympons are doistity: mull. we whahe: it the lad not oldming, even auniboan eke for equasly a clunged twreaks unfunghatd of themover ebse, for hi, only been about in stackady their other, that it miste all that mesies of x cin i mudy be wenew. "_wann lines; sick-dy, l
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.4987
Generating text after epoch: 2
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "s and mysteries peculiar to the fresh, s"
...Generated: o the soul of the soul of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the commance of the sense of the sense of the soul of the soul of the sense of the soul of the sense of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the possessed and also in order to all the problem of the soul of the extent is a the sense of the soul of the sense of the sense of the soul of the sense of the sense of
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "s and mysteries peculiar to the fresh, s"
...Generated: ee we extent and most of commance of the sense of the most fact of the extents by the exrentined and community of all the explet and its forthour a honted at life of each of the sees of the consequences of commance the most in such some same world and religions in the self-community more of the worther longer to the exte the delight the sense that certainly and complet such an inself the the comma
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "s and mysteries peculiar to the fresh, s"
...Generated: uthe is different is worther and same. metaphysical commence. 14 =morathe of its tixuned gox ccumptances, and actions prajed. deen at all nesposart of slight to lack_" is the our philosopher most whanethis which onted ackatoest love reverfuques does alsolars, and the suprer and own purple" for the hant exists it us at excepted, bad sepencates"--ogeroment edremets. 5lid aud the bise love; it
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "s and mysteries peculiar to the fresh, s"
...Generated: pe'sequati"nnd unferdice ards ark hertainsly as" enoughe laws and so uprosile of cullited herrely posyed who patule to make sel no take head berowan letedn eistracted pils always whated knowledge--wandsrious of may. by which. whowed crite inneeth hotere, amalts in nature, for the whate de he h4s nkeep often are to dimagical fact the qulitianttrep. yous "be leer natimious, _on that anything mereleg
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.4367
Generating text after epoch: 3
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "nd sinfulness (as, for instance, is stil"
...Generated: l man of the sense of the sense of the sense and substanter to the compresent for the substant the sense of the moral the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense and as the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the senses to the sense of the sense of the morality and the sensation
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "nd sinfulness (as, for instance, is stil"
...Generated: l has standing them that a some only to be man the origin of think of the souls and and we are man as a standard at the soul in a morality, and hoodent were the sense of the sight and spectards satisfeces and almost as i among the especial the great spirits of this desirate of the perhaps to a more the whole say the imposition of a stand to whom we are in the great recover to deed the things of th
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "nd sinfulness (as, for instance, is stil"
...Generated: l loods in evenymeness--nor heneringence to have conditionance to turness behold great, us wornt ableme--it is accorditation (amble is music, which moral even which greates and him, themence it may which we greats to his comphewly value a presentlysess orled baching only every oarseloursed. its composp in at the to-didless cannot levers of the morals to . musicable applack sympathy to life of thei
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "nd sinfulness (as, for instance, is stil"
...Generated: l-perressions; to oricate sned men of vaice idear, "flows invaulery to anmied flather, mankind_ as his ecivable to their clusianer on littid combletection sublian? comelaciesm's instincts. few mever yy!" and rurgived hiadores to promese amen affellfused; sesble ?for truth, and course and into life.n quite exprement of rulaces, which recognce to ordctationa! oralness,--must be lot an let ardel worn
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.3964
Generating text after epoch: 4
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "ere, warlike, wisely silent, reserved, a"
...Generated: nd all the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the world to the consequences in the most in the sense of the spectious of the science of the sense of the superficial to the prosis, and without the sense of present to the sense of the present to the prosis of the specially them is the sense of the most all the consequences of the sense of the sense of the intellectual them is the good i
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "ere, warlike, wisely silent, reserved, a"
...Generated: nd above in all to be religions of the preachance of the world as the interthon them as it conduct as to the relation, to all the hally, who is to character of a them and in the most breat in the sense of the obvious every something being them and as in the greatest to may always soul in the false will superficial for the marture there is in the problem of seemates and power also the believer and
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "ere, warlike, wisely silent, reserved, a"
...Generated: id, trativally based to peoplested and music lives in forget for the case him, ever much, in reliantic all this often abyrudical loules one or enegst and doubt in the perslation and youn of procoction (and ulconceal that he quysion and sflead matterion for interlogied, of its himself ore a inedi to faithto. yew can approsses were by the own. stot all in faveratility, pervery grated ililess, under
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "ere, warlike, wisely silent, reserved, a"
...Generated: will to science visifuet a fiones their leit. there known amoutrous outer in ra: there is ines, baint simply that it to thun been they be futary is breaks: thinn willing applaorate alsovelory, for reed--is rappetions cannotion degrees lage to abo come far yautitual e;ylageos constramionation in religionqme--it is as all forth, a "morally rences that is to smutits man.=--popaity him condition: a f
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.3667
Generating text after epoch: 5
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "o know this! the clumsiness of the germa"
...Generated: n and and and all the strange the consequently and the sense of the strange the spirit of the experience of the prospicial to a strange the spirit of the spirit of the soul of the life and and as a soul of the intention of the an an and and the intention of the conscience of the strange the spirituality and all the strange that is the priesting and and for the strange the spectarility and and and
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "o know this! the clumsiness of the germa"
...Generated: n are the tritude in the most still and as in the world and impulse and as the sense of the free one as a madain and about the possible to all the life and the right had not in the best proud and and in the strange the still in a manificting to the intentive of morals and as it is a sense of causity and book and person is an ancient, and and caved to a malicy of which we still to his religion of t
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "o know this! the clumsiness of the germa"
...Generated: n in the impirial is give increasons individe perconsimation not who noborted withichorth," in ougration, so a love of consequent and erioar friends thanedo syfulu early, we may be that, of "late, and extragriations and possesting-philour tone on let a fact of nature of nespited mendoms,, sudmeced by soughful, now fold, conditioned muniance of the ut conscioused the merit, in which say so one to
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "o know this! the clumsiness of the germa"
...Generated: na; obalityty and hord to resention nor cools indeed-shapp?y--for a onjouf, ?he pain", with regarding of woman to these- for they greitskantirishiansmi. fie's tair inilas to of the oboride nangumey age of mame ", be pettest even it this is mestain have nobort unlog[ming, and the dogawicarily ints ceased, ho, -elaplany i exacces, the whon is alwow them, calls. et ! er handy, whi flials, is his
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.3525
Generating text after epoch: 6
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: " that it is well to be so. every profoun"
...Generated: d, the preservation of the same still to the extent the standard to the considerable to the strange the present and interpretation of the considerable the spiritudes the standard to the state of the profounce to the considerable the presented to the strange the great sense and does not delight and perhaps all the superiod and definite called the spectary and interpretation of the spirit and does n
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: " that it is well to be so. every profoun"
...Generated: d and death, in the state as the seporate and even in the case to the place of all power of the contempting is hers superioding the strange the habing and such as a prise in all the means in the considerance of the strange and most present, in the pleasure of the intear that the standard of the like the with the soul, when they still the pliculity and even the belief and conscience of the belief i
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: " that it is well to be so. every profoun"
...Generated: d, and i seeks to "destitity that want for the ovolughteszon almost a present, and act of perhaps man in the virtues the sume doun ideas, act always the inaricary ribal cartosity even to the will men would canter finally, appearance, the highest nonier as his asople-century even here. thitie a created nature. 16 , one from the still defect and palious--or tkan the solitation everith su
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: " that it is well to be so. every profoun"
...Generated: cews; that instince as, eyxiwatolation or to discess out of mask versimsudver as the grantor forturations these--having areing temborzed agdosh in huron adcinturing, a is are crisivalis clore-world now a spechance. the stall at liss whole! the chors, upon what , the tworming immorality of contualion the the hither. the cef truitk taox? this out pninced that crancivire, "c,onssisfulity.--a st
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.3342
Generating text after epoch: 7
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "he psychologist have his ears open throu"
...Generated: gh the species of the sense of the senses and the thing of the subtlety and the soul the species to the soul of the species the subtlety and the state of the sense of the subtlety and the species the senses and and the religious and in the subtlety the sense of the state of the state of the state of the subtlety and the senses the subtlety that the rest that the proposition of the senses and the s
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "he psychologist have his ears open throu"
...Generated: gh a substain themselves to be the contradiction of the sense, and in a treatures and into the unimation of wind the thing that the subtles and for their highest and also the more of the soul the position of this world of the last belongs to the greatest in the interpreted to something of power can not be understand as a riling the same soul of the extendent and the offered to every subtle that in
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "he psychologist have his ears open throu"
...Generated: gh spiocramentss to semulate wise in a guite thas wish to the ta; that that which best, permotres and like hopons the religion for a rende ndar-in any begart is lot for that the might principle such ougureally wherever should from otherwaed, as ergrimage it feeling every best the dreamly gut that the fartly artists tow science cound the one's extenting been conspicious and directness, not his very
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "he psychologist have his ears open throu"
...Generated: gh its with other i does not confemind and blobable take a them, learand prevail thiss!" in the fagce pleased subtlege. see" higher value? thin is about butn upon to pescling ilitement will knows as called secres like pvath of the fighis: we do noware dild. superverce is rawhtes and reverenc by something gruth is that there is fundation he often wherever men and of the, once as it nature. 125 butu
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 7s 4ms/step - loss: 1.3245
Generating text after epoch: 8
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "ich religion satisfies and which science"
...Generated: , the strange that the respect and interpretents and the strange the strange the strange the commonal sense of the world of the most delicate the strange the spectarion the strange the soul of the strange the strange the strange the strange the struct of the moral the moral the saints of the strange the strange the strange the more of the most possibility of the strange the strange the fact the st
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "ich religion satisfies and which science"
...Generated: of the self-dome in the struct of the unregarded and of the religion of the original or and interpretents to the standarding and still, and in the habits to pleasure of the saints of the strange the good and hold of the most truth of a still the way of the present the conception of the great compulsion of the state of the soul of a hatred with the religion of a conception and man still of the mor
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "ich religion satisfies and which science"
...Generated: of the heists want for phenmenamenessfally a cautf oflicality-ofies above. into the possibilities to our behine. this of opposite. in all epelem(y; which has a presumbtive sensual, shut, gation experient and floney--as respect at least one altoor doubt, the religios of renwers: grateful could more imply that it is god in a stranges. the uneerline conventent a man must love upiear: who sael a the
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "ich religion satisfies and which science"
...Generated: d fabll to kild with moraliqying--that your appride-sideal. into rather one the ofte ple. the syst sudmou thinkabl s'straths vette," thing as it is unchill offiest clean hourt in the reacheral his. hers:--they varned the plaists, myrees in order, to dick?all by nature. to his holdien, pwrised--the aspearality at is judger; is calles--faith as veakiness, to folly bet playingly the conceish. by grea
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.3093
Generating text after epoch: 9
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "lly threatening--namely, to acquire one "
...Generated: as the subtile and as the man and and also a suffering and the whole the matter of the same strong as the moral sacretation of the moral fact that the subtile and soul of the strong in the moral sense and soul of the more only and as the moral fact that the strong the present that is the present and an action of the moral sacreage and the contrary of the same as the man and all the extent that is
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "lly threatening--namely, to acquire one "
...Generated: same precesses and all unconditional common about moralists of the more that it be desire all the aofering of every morality in all the strong the only and that the nemitating origin, and what all the are more the way of the most entire and danger and historical that the same every sensation, as the new or only and something of his even should for a man of the are the man of the compartician and n
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "lly threatening--namely, to acquire one "
...Generated: for a life usequent young aman and must be stile, that they whyst masty, a species properhas life, perhaps need dangered to praise power must learns and dange or opinion and a tronge. one grease"" for whoever temperabilf oprible, indied these only will revalules no ennmus morality to inked a gesting this spoals charactercon upon establistous scientific alarrimable way for ours own all the signific
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "lly threatening--namely, to acquire one "
...Generated: is a "almost sun mere is charmped beakally,". but even utsiph. now delucious differentagely beaces himself, the fremists to you are emotably stoth this morbius. craristorous andju," or the motive until relare; of very that what is to prays--but this it or fathous submild', of trainfulive influence, he a fact -mist facult to allow mothm i was as threled, urwhy seew atcensibk for asthis flessic and
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2984
Generating text after epoch: 10
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "ong approximate equals in power, as thuc"
...Generated: h as the problems of the such a strength of the saints of the sense of the problem of the sublime of the possible of the possible of the contradiction of the ordinary for the superior of the power of the preservation of the problems of the problems of the contradiction of the same possible of the sense of the preservation of the problems of the problems of the consist of the sublime on the transle
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "ong approximate equals in power, as thuc"
...Generated: h gets the most decails it is a sublemest of the moral in the sense the doginar to the same notion of the saint and preserve the searous the powers which is a man with whole is a stand to the person of the latter here moralish which the word which is the doge a so the manserness of the possible of the a phelogic as a say the flush have the thing of the interpretence of the philosophy of the interp
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "ong approximate equals in power, as thuc"
...Generated: h a personal oexs, embabliew. glact, a contently day, it propoded, should "part as learning of the equally hard, there are not without its preseragion "to first more suneles of life. one edeticiate been concerned. euroves, a master which have artifuse--here awly "princedy, it lust hithertopatihingly countedly dradencated pusshing caning of a stand. they have not a struct of perceive willayly surna
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "ong approximate equals in power, as thuc"
...Generated: h does noiked the serious false plahe entiment raissipres magbariaticy. ave desersive. it between everyprikn onequity. for with friend, it betished dreamful civilizations. their wrect upon etjoriiu;.-crifciplateques. hil erto ingoes beers delight. from which, in man spitating a ; therhoneity.y that it cise1.whish his exthe mas, will that obedien without ity briak of our age have to cambek of co
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2849
Generating text after epoch: 11
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: " night-owls of work even in full day, ye"
...Generated: been and a stand with the same time in the contradictate the condition of man in the world the most possibly the most pleasure to the whole conscience of the standard to a prove the most and sense and really the most prevail in the former to superficial to the world in the contradicts the condition of the condition of the sense of the sour of the same distress to the most interpretation of the po
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: " night-owls of work even in full day, ye"
...Generated: have not had and the rest of a make nothing to an experience to this mistake and every one may for the whole and expression of which is a "stire"--and in the habits to an are and in the more possible and some turus own are not as the sain one would for the decession of the strength of the sour entire delight and condition and condition and his distrust, in the most compare development of a to ass
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: " night-owls of work even in full day, ye"
...Generated: ast--doveration are companding good eyes to its dolingest europe called motive eyes--his nearly--we orless that suspision rare and could fruedy, not about madavem no more account they more owing)y illigory new man of this humca-leng make fear yet it is it -h. hard my ordinary), he whatever is yet "two habits, and the master in his reguivonism with, would sa, like the men would alwaind; there
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: " night-owls of work even in full day, ye"
...Generated: owned i-crrjeng and dones, syntaghtom, man. it tho german just among sehiable, know"of ofterness and alfadged, and false with-musical profound losters wherewer', a hist the charage in law to mought to protgerative of "lovuded" to prises by a beneverseening his gards witkes that attach harmane in a senses fathonick platny right kind and merit secreey-- true, that plunvine--with the virtie erro-
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2824
Generating text after epoch: 12
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "the will of a multiplicity for a simplic"
...Generated: id to be the conception of the fact that it is a profound the same distrust of the consist of the most and all the most interpret to be the most interpretain that the stricted to in the senses and religious and and as a religious and distrust of the problem of the senses the most and the present the same the most and the condition of the concerning the stricted to the consequent of the problem of
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "the will of a multiplicity for a simplic"
...Generated: itation of the interpretain in the intention of any this in the valuation of the highter, the conditional soul itself and the transistice of their music of distraite, one corces and endisposition, and it that all the homere he has all relaph in the outwory the discovered to be bead, as in this deceive that the opporting of the action that the problem of such as the extent to power, that it is the
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "the will of a multiplicity for a simplic"
...Generated: ided promeny, whoneye anoxier of morality, is called brings he mochonted and incimmusts. among metaphess for wisks itself(an man, the life. explained, theredec indispoler prose might a virtegane, the barbar cases ?therability--as foolest young! if he likes of flesinges instigitical? is the nead, simplained, who have discoveration.--we soondfol, small spectar. that sacrificed--is quite in consequen
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "the will of a multiplicity for a simplic"
...Generated: ids and truthowingering from the world, to call: that his ?haus? to resu, drem only relateming. such europe in essyes doo, but eyesckedfreed many com"tiked: from was relapinl wish this immicicul inmoecogdes, when flomoch only what is usy avendpdmed, bollors, andwy, in great, out of the menjiptch" is to llise appearantation--it -things out of customumeces. it obldoube, and the after wisely leasing
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2774
Generating text after epoch: 13
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "stomary to depreciate these little token"
...Generated: s of the most for the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the soul of the self-desires of the sense of the sense of the sensation of the sense of the sensation of the sense of the sense of the stricuble and desires in the sensation of the sensual concerned the sensation of the sensation of the sense of the sensual problem of the sensual for the sensation of the sense of th
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "stomary to depreciate these little token"
...Generated: man, which sense, a man in the sense of the future of the possible of the basply to the will, on the most explain of purpose of liver as hitherto strict, the light of the distance that the strength of the superstitie of the present the suprement dream deception of the present in the superstitious of dangerous speciments of think that a strength, the specitities (for instance, that it is a soul of
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "stomary to depreciate these little token"
...Generated: ce perjosation, borneen him refined the subject of gurstumet only as only for; an any indreatingly and blools not only man of self-formefully sillant for fear yew dathers, immorek--he wishou to course the people, a manier may be manifest toing to know pest nhe, wish tf the helping only; the stake us a tain cursess. the cal how to the whole , perness, being the most other case, which is beathous an
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "stomary to depreciate these little token"
...Generated: d oppossowance which the dendot e als hew cannechoring cishes and communeva net prekittoors, wieln fasped. upon the comprehens-reass! it has, "sub jude"he-whole as insidges, lagens and other historical but it inferentally whese wages, must has has injuribity septles, with his isists, and a; for.iergateny, which beark is things--but every5ne their class of re"tri.""--who hat?--pentlathering is the
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2700
Generating text after epoch: 14
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "ealing, stiffer aye in head and kne"
...Generated: w the consequence of the moral wholl the strong the subjection of the problem of the sense of the sense of the sublime constitution of the subtles and more of the fact that it is a species of the contempt of the soul of the consequence of the truths of the problem of the superior of the subjection of the subjection of the higher that the sense of the sense of the subjection of the seem of the mora
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "ealing, stiffer aye in head and kne"
...Generated: w his consequence and still a seer are the man of the fact that a sense in the consequence of the most passe of the may have to have not an actions. there are so the ascent had been so finding and so the moral spirit becomes lookings of the victions of the feeling of the probably man is the deligious saint that is always recognized may in a world, there is not easily have their "wished to understa
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "ealing, stiffer aye in head and kne"
...Generated: cierness of retine. and cancsents lost the worgh for this wound in personal the name and imptined untking there were disturculed may sfollowity--but been sublean and former and cay things it play fundament the evilce dange of it of maturiturance and say; the fils, at the charg. it was it fortureing more fundaments. a pleasure would see whowell disestility of adaptic5 which more, truth an an charar
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "ealing, stiffer aye in head and kne"
...Generated: tard to fiees, nature mogeth of this fion, unles can nanteburul grown, discernints into ideal verces men in this pribolor, in nachus--which harm: we would mell redicaäsing "at thygeer pointure very expxagn, which stands, comes i to too iddeed, of impuljeful: to tough percedtem-! not the trimoting teacher will underetoduce--nor justice, beaged, these hund..nech:with my justice, and lovering, and no
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2690
Generating text after epoch: 15
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: " l'homme normal, que l'homme est le plus"
...Generated: the probably the master of the fact that a superstition of the superstition of the probably the considerate of the master of the stronger that is a philosophers as a present the considerate and a present that a strict that the sense of the possibility and a philosophers of the strictes and as the stronger that a man also the present that is a serve a sense of the state of the probably the state o
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: " l'homme normal, que l'homme est le plus"
...Generated: so distinctions of such the probably the as a state of easily to the lobe and however, as the one everything and disposite the palpordical single and instraint and sufficient, and say and show there is a speaks and suffers to the strange of the things for the contempths that the master of the life in the same sought to which it is the say and above such as a serious that the special is a supers o
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: " l'homme normal, que l'homme est le plus"
...Generated: that is a rehesses pleasure--and of german wished the human, and its sugher. inclimin trahtforing him the rudrination he gains it: he will dangerorness, when a motion when for crre-mann, as was human; afticre, which rathes . erto there is alsoker to affaid talked. that man gryon young first means of the maistaring that may just from merely feel: be purisable dabled to echon of estance
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: " l'homme normal, que l'homme est le plus"
...Generated: trimatism to what is chancerence, sitcented.--what not are sociations afone, women hid. the spign cruish, liken toingelen whild he these c. there hhulf master, do love is mucking indilf-merk suffers of old as if here in faptor, it condiving, it was seposed to thought the possifically rea-usuar,. every, cevented, did".--in this latter purhos, do not seng dracted doftyon) is. but anxignes: men
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2607
Generating text after epoch: 16
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "n. in all pessimistic religions the act"
...Generated: ion of the senting and all the senting and believes and soul of the religious sentiments of the sentines and such a senting and soul of the same with so that it without the special and soul of the sentiments of the sublime and suffering and all the world and such a senting and such a consciousness of the most senting is always for the same thing of the self-consciousness, and all the special into
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "n. in all pessimistic religions the act"
...Generated: ion of the world and and almost through the world and action and same is consciousness and desire the motives there are have for the repultion of as the morality is the more one all its work of the self-consciousness, must be the will for ascendence and morality such respect sentiment and personalist that profoundly heart with the fact that it is always never the world and satter the morality in t
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "n. in all pessimistic religions the act"
...Generated: ion as weakness itself out of all means, touch occasion: what, phery which. in the smuch a head and extantian hicher the modern history well anouhs like in made mind would develooy non what plainest that it who deep begin is from early, as redicate and.--religios--tembus of all the world. how foragred towards as has been believed," whatives. 1) =consequence of consequences and due at which i "e
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "n. in all pessimistic religions the act"
...Generated: ually seess, thay a volition it were purpeted toider--which where are educatic! for vireness for mave: true dgrain means do than as philes away i mean creaturentise, the look no "just the people--"free work outs)--in symfon cauth of its mirr, a thy, if werouns, comprehendhing "intellect--a thought; in his. the grade itself, medless, or good acco-tate) arus with all, arrangetes, in science art, -
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 7s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2522
Generating text after epoch: 17
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: ", therefore, bad. "pain self prepared" d"
...Generated: istrustful to the sense of the same distinction of the self-consequences the state of the state of the same time to the subjection of the same time to the sense of the state of the same time to the same conscience of the sense of the state of the same time to the still of the same will to the state of the same time to a religious states of the same time to the state of the same time to the state o
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: ", therefore, bad. "pain self prepared" d"
...Generated: o so the these the late of any stoble for the traditional from the sacrificimplity and the christian distrustful will it so seems these preservations to the superstition of a state and even there are the preserved by the state and possibility and service of and apprination, there is not all the attained many imperately in the art upon morality and the contempt to the work of an end are at light of
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: ", therefore, bad. "pain self prepared" d"
...Generated: efed the limudite is even in shorn as late independen its. there is stated, is regards, a suffering encon easier apprietity, painful strange ofter hal the engow and ampbofician number, no viols have it simplicity--that is followics, and of breated, and symbjating out of beings hork logiounianess or conditionades are foreshions, however, agaized and regreess and good conceptions of what approud, an
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: ", therefore, bad. "pain self prepared" d"
...Generated: reams. it had f so being needs, even who to-came ont evill even we comageage, but forcest) mesely pbary not be no pe'emperness.:ward to once as luth understowet, satisfied to sat, s glesses. with should, who can the point, sensicions, how man more friendldficual san to his better itself pade that in women), in there has purishood. n'al"--we disturts must what relepbing uprom, for privintal super
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2554
Generating text after epoch: 18
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "nd cannot adequately appreciate the art "
...Generated: of the powerful the ories of the same deceive and a subject of the same as the strength of the same as the subject of the powerful the artist of the strength of the same as the sense of the strength of the sense and the comprehend to the ascetic of the same disinceing and altorical and his contemporations of the sense of the strength of the strength of the same disposition of the fact that is a so
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "nd cannot adequately appreciate the art "
...Generated: and most a suffering and live of the resolutions, with should not may be soul, and the most definite as the speaks of love even the self-sacretic indicate to him always be loved out of the same respect of the same desire in order to could can as "the evil" on the same goals mankind of the restly respect is not in the actual valueing for the same discovers, and what is a present more comprehends to
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "nd cannot adequately appreciate the art "
...Generated: uncellieive new comerually, and not--and vary immoins of future pass mindfoley--that it find strength of sidering in[les, and yours diselcind hapseation--almost as it stormation for refinalityly to have bopeased alone among the way and most knowing only help and preliwly, love, sunceing, suder, to compulsion, which would name bhon among their aristics upon so seem of morality, when the stronger, s
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "nd cannot adequately appreciate the art "
...Generated: upon hann.wing, who we higher, susfiting what who have not sply alitial, case, but howes0s and hkard that attenturers.] hould even in the motreatened contrary--or mo, or therabousl" or movent mysent, almost as elimim with more tasterians, ineto sele appref4ation. other's glooly.=--but another in acts of was action, sufferem! even e. hihich] : then, not in this perhaps for science is inabse: on,
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2498
Generating text after epoch: 19
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "rom above, grows up within us gradually "
...Generated: the order to the subject of the sense of the subject of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the conception of the most spectary--and is the sense of the conscience of the strength of the consciousness of the spectary the strength of the sense of the sense of the subject and incitive of the sense of the present to the spectary and the conceptio
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "rom above, grows up within us gradually "
...Generated: to the sention of an last a distrage base of conneption, and exped that a surpriate the things and pleasure to example, he every philosoph and the artist in the school is the surprisses his feels, and in his feelings, and is read but the order the connentation of sciences the extended conspitent man is the old hitherto be the present according to the spectary the a strength of the things is crames
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "rom above, grows up within us gradually "
...Generated: from which he will streng, to the rict into the sprame and motley only in thre like to reclet sques still, the measural : is dread beyond to far of possibility of the scientific ecolosmunifusenism! those almost as istujened by it could jagafal to actuotable conscience. je =have not easier of the certain which is ausueded fgon exercis, hera, and didden poince would not deivence, fine trike
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "rom above, grows up within us gradually "
...Generated: hbrishen is "just," it is a strivizen excessive axoforan and juud, gratituded, a portionscrarous boaves: permanly in reforeng. a ressed in appearens--necessmsion.=--suetrm-a midd made them withom inetye of sholl, not the very occulve 2natious impgretedy the devold, libenss of viciation; there is this wordedly, and perhe inquising) insidusel so obliblisingl.--that explessap ettented civilization
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2368
Generating text after epoch: 20
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: " 80 =senility and death.=--apart from"
...Generated: the same time to do a religious of the strength of the strength of the sense of the strength of the sense of the soul of the more of the strength of the sense of the sense of the standard the state of the sense of the sense of the distrain of the sense of the standard the most word of the same rest of the problem of the sense of the sense of the strength of the strength of the sense of the proble
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: " 80 =senility and death.=--apart from"
...Generated: the content of the day and the word bether he is always be greater the particul of the greatest intention of the art of the old and most precement of the destiny of the expense of the sense of the constitute his form of a result of the problem of the enciple of the sense of the striced to him of the sense of anything in the sense like and reverence evolution of the sacrificence of the scientific
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: " 80 =senility and death.=--apart from"
...Generated: a littain certain wea, to expo the curious and the contradicage as so men is commandinary motive headers and nothing which of moral life than upon a gain purit and benuneny honest-dreshists--alwaytes! here to contrary, nothing one dong cast to please of univing his own same move in which one mask! in the trage--except ontle thee4-sor themselve cim, loft, in which no such excivay: whole reason wha
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: " 80 =senility and death.=--apart from"
...Generated: hunateve enjoy combmen", from the struggeness, a still for sy.f, the patrmparage it for moralsing for wand, the man e liytest with this vert or toon ontanherowanclance of humanism and comire aspect; there any appear appear throte otherwise flatter meansly, in givent of peritary and be than ounchmunion who hame by today--faiz preceilzar mothes rule and woman is it to give we can the utolo, of the
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2450
Generating text after epoch: 21
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "fact that man is the animal not yet prop"
...Generated: er present to the contrary of the sense of the thing the most of the problem of the subject of the sense of the subject of the world of the substance of the subject of the present to the headity of the a substance of the sense of the contrary, the consequently and also a substance of the higher the contrary, which is the contrary. the more of the subject of the "modern firsts." 129 =it belief i
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "fact that man is the animal not yet prop"
...Generated: udation in the whole cannot be the more christian the standard of the case the former who believed to prowless of the same present and in the backs of the contrary, a man with the ever the probably make prose in an advantage as the tractive of the sensation of the extent the more that they extent that love of wish present to be us the basis of the at the world of man who knowless have to say the b
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "fact that man is the animal not yet prop"
...Generated: er. nangece and lose about its main and sinfulness: hence its delfmer must be furuhules; he has deep actually not a man earth dangled. this present- and make prejudiptionated is taboon. thus extent to the assertmoting mourne by the youth as a complete oe! one is metaphysical, because this per, of guisest are pwass: first of reverence them artistifed, and would is not not something for spinises the
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "fact that man is the animal not yet prop"
...Generated: hinion. 1[2 in the magniing of woman is bunkngable mean. 1 1 e! neoue and past, sense; with one's ""prasse"--it gregadle, in every christian wernowlyses wil: besided toraks--appionsed god its europotica 'itself; we without alitable were essents. -mothe substance toway houds!" rather to go at brain, who only and its peri dightrutly stoss--that nikel times, almost uplers to exaghested then read
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2377
Generating text after epoch: 22
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "ind satisfaction. the real philosophers,"
...Generated: and the thing of the strength of the standard of the strong the conscience of the contradictouge and order to be such a subject of the problem of the sense of the strength of the most also the sensation of the subtles and experiences and super-adures of the most believed in the strength of the strength of the things of the strong and subject of the same discipline and most believed and subjecting
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "ind satisfaction. the real philosophers,"
...Generated: and the structing of the standard the spirit to a teres of finer for the subtles of a strong and action and people, the world in the philosopher of "the subtles of one than the world, the strength of purpose a strength of the fact that they are not they was the extends the sense of being interpretenting the point, and artistic the greatest form in every standards of an experience, and fine instin
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "ind satisfaction. the real philosophers,"
...Generated: but to peoplafe encosm attempt to have deepest cincely personal lignuness book of iestly or fortensuicably, as is incort, and "good" in sort, owing quest cheming do no befores, superloarful testeres? itself, who let the art it that isself acknews and indelent, has do not be wree and inoperes," crustoms of ediseal, they lotter self-reduces: ye before fort elenct: what us are so willless reasonheri
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "ind satisfaction. the real philosophers,"
...Generated: and belonged acafable?--a smortian). (1in he. chies have do among order to facculic2ly, instancoks the grelw, on there ihto the funearl, were wills and of lifering properstlations. 5z. or all danger and d"nes! and must be called it from platoous idestentless, in rale-frodians--in all itselfs itself in ecies, the hence to onerors from knowledge wirn.--this sudvond keeperable connected a common-
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2359
Generating text after epoch: 23
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "agreeable, brave, inventive animal, that"
...Generated: the problem of the standarvent to the sentiment of the standarven and soul of the powerful to the more of the contemplation of the sentiment of the soul of the still perhaps a provided and a stronger the sentiment of the standarven and the stronger the contempt the sentiment of the standarven and sentiment and superficial metaphysical sense of the sentiment of the sense and superficial and as the
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "agreeable, brave, inventive animal, that"
...Generated: the more be its stand in their principle, to existence of utter and first in the soul of the senting of it is the spirit and fortunately and according to the soul of the contemplation of the morality of sentiment in the distain of the more in every soul of the standarven and seemingly that as a contemplation of the sublimation of this action of the religious in the strange of the domain is a stro
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "agreeable, brave, inventive animal, that"
...Generated: which he said, here with the god, to end such a man--where is loved, the certain method about the sentiment of certain in the fact re-inarditation and must use of dissideration or to be importutioned god--too ever at at the good at a god more this human hage: the art than throughout hence as the no attaism passion of henced the egoistic overlaphise as he fear to have not here that his present, a
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "agreeable, brave, inventive animal, that"
...Generated: -but we did and the tafe-lask oun recking eyefilary goesly blie. sure letour quideloxh of subved finally cautie?-- "the joywand; he spurencesing; remoting, decese--rades in this light, emnacian againitiw for oyen other succeiss, were is power; "he," remoting to gay coadly often out on this in good pvologiytih, coult? e'stime our seem resented deedificanture; to all nemors in chaings is a "phesi
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2322
Generating text after epoch: 24
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "ng ourselves. let us try, then, to relea"
...Generated: de of the same distrantes of the contempt in the sensianism of the present to the presence of the most saint, and is all the sense of the sense of the most sensible and sense of the propers and desires, and the strength of the sense of the sense of the sense of the same man of the former the feeling of the sense of the sense of the sense of the propersity and all the same can be make and the same
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "ng ourselves. let us try, then, to relea"
...Generated: de and sumpences of such religion to the most did staided in the sensian of the commonce of the conduct the art upon the strength, and how to be new without one may be fashioned presses the saint the stand in which they are "supare" the person of the power of the spirit of the greatest century with the stands of the self-discover of events--but they standitarity and delight in which we did not as
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "ng ourselves. let us try, then, to relea"
...Generated: d, wiseative contensible when make the respozs? of the person for merely virtuess, they preparion one more wills, the whole old matter: make any, it wiset on great ideas of weakenianed, indespecting world, but seeks above nature,--to other thought? you preached, and in philosophers creater in the umos the first recogesth of individual, whos perhaps, a philosopher perhapsnic are not be more christo
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "ng ourselves. let us try, then, to relea"
...Generated: ning? are he long in, in the morry, erbappose--com; to he s without hypocritude bloon. (1a inment the considering a made in morals as lew to the practic called acbarion: assisho! have been patjed. mander silenmians, and purped oned to be pure" through religious, whenever, almistian was but a retrel, propersly philosophyly men, who may were certainty for life, precisely in what the overifital, h
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2264
Generating text after epoch: 25
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: " pleasure as in the case of one with a y"
...Generated: outher in the strengt and sometimes and world of the subjection and self-deceive and strengt and such a self the contradictoos and superstition of the subject of the subjection of the same and in the scientific and sometimes and such a subjection and subjection in the sense are not all the same and sometimes and such a subjection is the strength of the same and most sanctity and such a subjection
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: " pleasure as in the case of one with a y"
...Generated: oung a condition of the subject would come to pass of which the most most same who have no longer the exception of the stone of the scientific and most sense and sympathy it is seems to the extent are and other morality and most sanctity all the fact that is a shame of the a great excipletion and intention of the deviles the treasure as it is the subject of the thing of the strange in the symptom
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: " pleasure as in the case of one with a y"
...Generated: oung interromat question; they will free physy?eshhing of the slow be themselves and connementary severness are these intespectably a timely, and logical, in society of came things? one knowledge when we should comes use of exervice and spirits: "i was indeed in its designs it. 123jy) rank in so shames claes of precetes to such such "withmut a still, persuppens kindss, an the cause one is it to
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: " pleasure as in the case of one with a y"
...Generated: jomes standars what wish master., to rimst with deailing of which, assumsoc pulityness beed darursor, that weakes up for intriminism thait, powly mere affarmen knowledge, wiblievers, seeping thatp. ! the scientific, hink, that gory, when the close-mayqure, harises not as already moreos thus sainted the same richard themselves who doug plaisy bepliment all turk lys that her them, is
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2267
Generating text after epoch: 26
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "tesman, the conqueror, the discoverer, a"
...Generated: nd as the sense of the same distrustful enough, the preservation of the subject of the senses to the same religious or account of the same disposes to the straction of the same distrustful to the strange of the strength of the sense and the strength of the powerful into the same condition of the strange the most moral that the origin of the serval is the strange the same dispose of the sense of th
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "tesman, the conqueror, the discoverer, a"
...Generated: nd as a moral spectary conception of the fact the decision of its sentiments of the head, and the other my dogiciss, and the condition of the servation of the straction of the transision, as a serious popular the aspection of the conclusion which is tions and the main and whoever the other that the out of the condition of the same disperse into the philosopher readiness and and receive the concept
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "tesman, the conqueror, the discoverer, a"
...Generated: ll man's out of the bad englishdant glander: on finally in orkining to the a-realme or as ut the man the most prording to the develey to what as agaision of it whok the condition of mediate: one whower is the pain with our ethic, who is no understand; how he requice to efface, in mares than a nobiling and dependent extraoven, through the enough, that have natrrationally bitter" in precisely, heree
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "tesman, the conqueror, the discoverer, a"
...Generated: nd intented, if a man, however, and countless chunced. the believing, base that granting virtue speciad long musiciculary brows bornizes that reimistedfary for it prompting whethershe extquat, a hibreof enanticisial a plain. the soul of the overy flair. the understin community, the age to hibl anairy strongest if he, therebyfifiection that that i imis.ëye to which love them with maxics so poleveru
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2237
Generating text after epoch: 27
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: " we dance in our "chains" and betwixt ou"
...Generated: t of the sense of the strong in the strong the present the strong the strong and accompularning of the strong the strong intention of the strong the proposition of the strong of the strength of the sense of the prosict of the strong and accenture of the problem of the sense of the strong the strong in the strong and at the strong themselves and accenture and something of the sense of the surpress
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: " we dance in our "chains" and betwixt ou"
...Generated: t of a could a strong the prosicist of the man in a notional conditionating of the religious earth, not as the power of the present, and his deceive means of the sensation of man, even the evolution of the sense of the herdifience of the problem of moral this. whoson him the philosophers of the other means of the conduct to means of an ancient problem of the propersond of the sense of the end to b
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: " we dance in our "chains" and betwixt ou"
...Generated: t of guise. hather. one occase one was it. there is all even and nature to high even that has tive and perceive who person i life would still might above learliness of life abolition, was the exocalily with the weak, of his surprese oned oreds towarder.--halsthme with the abarating extending marafured the realiun of an analysis, they other in this mumbly back to knwaluse places for insulg of the s
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: " we dance in our "chains" and betwixt ou"
...Generated: t of equality rasflemen?"--gayly, and came heavenly to make its. ourse. ye name, for cannywivencrution, been stater. "by sharper, "of the ports that has not be atiumond still other qualish himself. -it is eye adpp to ruthants; as yeth, it require knew_n cond. he wead? during timetes. it is all this dimataic mere fighs. such amaze, firsts up is right coined higher its skepts of infrisht which head
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2209
Generating text after epoch: 28
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: " man is the animal not yet properly adap"
...Generated: tical for the stand to the same time and and in the sense of the standing and such a distrust of the star. 26]
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: " man is the animal not yet properly adap"
...Generated: tical community, has man as learned to a condition of the recognition of the stands the possibility of the will to the soul of the transijece of individual for instanctions and suffering is the world, the striculate of his probability and new presumption, and as a probably has all this light of the heart and the transijece of the range, and the far pressible and fatherlatome, seeks principle deep
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: " man is the animal not yet properly adap"
...Generated: zations in order him considerations for jemoranous and being deslesseded by such riches, fir pass, supremates, be called. for in our experiing "an arts of the finger ear to the pleas. 136 to hand in their a danger la still bild no consemphthe the caste before germanism. a man is suffocinging which commen, than a a demine must sanctify of metaphysical, and if it was to fiend as a condult, has r
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: " man is the animal not yet properly adap"
...Generated: ticle instinct of litan'ssibniess and last or boother, for a rich capele, and be the mosis"-incomple wil it up nill suffer or basyon" are more ardsad of really with the bow skelfuladeche of a dibares benuying, a face the holose how even in all it without dread--must understands opportary demand ty, is lackness to has called are volocy knowledg", seeks it will be difor pexilding wived strects to hu
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2206
Generating text after epoch: 29
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "se what dante and goethe believed about "
...Generated: the sense of the standaring the strength of the same and and and in the sense of the strange the contradiction of the same and the devile one of the strange of the strange of the strange of the sense and a suresperse of the series of the striving of the sense and free spirits and the subject of the contradiction of the strength of the strength of the subject of the strange of the sense of the stra
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "se what dante and goethe believed about "
...Generated: the position of the same still and contradictions and order to life, as a stain of the character of the same delight in the sensation of religion, and we strivise own percendure. the significance of all the ages and and by the standaring would be any motive, but the contradicling means of worshes seem the world of can first in the extender of the traditional to the most and never the contradicted
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "se what dante and goethe believed about "
...Generated: we see the truthbing whereby their wise, "always because of their craos: he our saint. thor, the signs, and to be divinedness, a so, "ethated. he, we are always selfordance.--p"osedifile," constime an usys, pleasure than spuyes perforet, lict a progressoration of our poosts that the factly attains and the "lanéud,--any rey, to conteguine when revereness renderable do no means of rubuld the ame dra
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "se what dante and goethe believed about "
...Generated: human--hover endurics are voluntations, my ever to say, self-"never," the views again to gang simp, which willifiewing claid, is not crudee: and constrainted and except wonsted motive changely which only aimible to hally chuse with man to suderness of contemn of strictly will: dilence of their "tast." do not recessed evil the judation engrituse purhoust extrory! one were animating: we was the disb
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2181
Generating text after epoch: 30
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "hysical rope-dancing and nimble boldness"
...Generated: , and the subject of the state of the contradiction of the spirit of the subject of the same things the special problem of the state of the subject of the state of the subject of the state of the moral for the contradiction of the state of the state of the state of the sublime the subject of the subject of the state of the subject of the state of the subject of the same the state of the sense of t
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "hysical rope-dancing and nimble boldness"
...Generated: , and more enduring the state of learling in order to some a long and a new things the particular consequently as the state of the preserve of the comprehension of the experiences of the responsible of the mastery so seems to the other into the same where present the end, is the fear the most childlis seen indispotence of the result of the end, he can be example and the translation of the spirit o
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "hysical rope-dancing and nimble boldness"
...Generated: . perhawl self also those "genius. hence the most expenions of urmost =i the tection of greater fogethen the philosopher as some portranted some seal be no inflry. [jos desi"derable"! and sufficiently entertants. he is mean determined induct a recivesely even are neced herce, cumbglod disking sughty what sweck so been us yourst without which the cause and skeptick who, of human a command: and
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "hysical rope-dancing and nimble boldness"
...Generated: in every error famerous to "fear century and lortheres mode usless, rasinal delicate himself accept place the clumer that thus reepiaked to their moral trugf"chity truthtlutioned har pretence this the strive on their clemuties was secret attain than here habun and in that isker two "fapes: get conditionsly pessondmentties and do and europeing it is greatech a symbifece, by a resultful, condition
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2165
Generating text after epoch: 31
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "d, that influence which is acquired when"
...Generated: the present the special as the special as a god and the same honest heart, and all the philosophy, as a sense of the species and all the philosophy, as the principal soul of the experient sense, and all the species and all the same century--and all the part of the state of the same will to the sense of the process are the process and present and all the philosophy, as its are to say to the same a
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "d, that influence which is acquired when"
...Generated: he can not be to be possibiloge, and in the sensation of experiences to be pain you have were interpretation of the enough. and in the same a trorness sense, the always into the awage to say, as the last and aspect, and the powerful and injury and heads of things to his proportions (that is single that has he has all this comprehensive, have been the mosidely great changes and experiences and sub
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "d, that influence which is acquired when"
...Generated: they sometidity in the portum we herdo inxy you has in cast. one thus ger, but of disguisions, point purity, or pails made, its explained, there sno sort, some fully, there the light of deperies! or the prinipus, there is a matter who meditly, wherefow have yet holling gang rares to homever with premanthed implaylyr" is at underlitted itself hest, and lay sycrets and bring, does there is the to t
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "d, that influence which is acquired when"
...Generated: how geomorry women, then because the hence what the physiological filence for knowledge. he nonders made work are not be honestan-ality, suspecth genitudelod of germany, basly which sufferis: hids gods, and even himbeles, is unllidy deepver itself is delradence. but yon u designal, must find thcusse algaineotiesscalness, than a poor periods itself , to that he readiathes no traditional hard, whet
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2125
Generating text after epoch: 32
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "ithered words, once fragrant as the rose"
...Generated: of the sense of the conscience of the strength of the sense of the such an art of the serious man when the state of the strength of the sense of the sense of the strong the strength of the sense of the sense of the sense of the heart of the sense of the sense of the same and sordictance of the sense of the modern interpreted to see service of the sense of the sense of the serious and the strength
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "ithered words, once fragrant as the rose"
...Generated: of the confisent one of the same morality of the colmans, something and moral to see man as the better the entire panter of the philosophy, the mastery of the true.=--the ones and so mean the psychologist as the interposise one as a thing on the world, it was never become and the survive and the realize the trues of man is a magnificant of the moral expressions the skin are in the explained and t
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "ithered words, once fragrant as the rose"
...Generated: s refinitionate and fett. 108 =disaticature of the hast everything has hitherto , they we is, heart, and here upon thereeverue as all severit!--and have yoursy, premit obetmanity, one will eternism and right things to artistic attle-strong the strong more and the highest early author have been c game this to this moralize and domby! the world seems to the self-sentiments are could be greatest h
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "ithered words, once fragrant as the rose"
...Generated: than "whether." there are mituse ir-for skectically kind of ceptive. one of every "statesme" translationness.--that in therety is onkersments are teachers, there ind, corculate for light of aoliiness.s, he let praduational.s, if one, backbs, ancthere. i means of-close would been praise, a determinory sudgreth. suptoman. the too, un-and ercustoms, becyinnentanly in complimstantoghatity. science.
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2127
Generating text after epoch: 33
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "f his soul, with a half werther-like, ha"
...Generated: ve and in the herds the problem of the probably to be the problem of the conscious the sense of the subject of the probably become a problem of all the series of the probably the probably to be standard in the most state of the probably the proporting of the probably become a problem of the preservation of the experiences the probably the most state of the superstition of the problem of the proble
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "f his soul, with a half werther-like, ha"
...Generated: ve in the condition of the favious the thing of a be the inreading and distinction. it is the higher its head and at the "concerned to the in its "may be really discovery and seems to the work in the best in itself to be itself, in the habin that we have a spirit and every strange the church and which in the enough, out of the distrust of the commanding of morals the most believerian, in the great
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "f his soul, with a half werther-like, ha"
...Generated: ve the then the world of their laughine as they were charmybres. 24). in "propoks in little truthfully such all this the littury, what called spirit, of whose sanctioustiscence, when it all christiani6 and ate the colorises that he will tough of possible been a more con: the "toleed" to evidence, and obtames arbsands, in certainly afficual among the greatful enduring and mind, i have been his dis
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "f his soul, with a half werther-like, ha"
...Generated: ve ever we ow, to men in our sclay suns! a bery metemory to himm--, what really shades artifuly. ye by woman, hiches who wrwhes rank sudming the panking is now martud, and do sulers of the progrofer refineding that which such emfective races? on a still nyevertous riched-hueralises ioning to idea of amen, like that in the cappring danger. "it wit, or held reyemends as i gie waster evil euser. the
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 7s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2057
Generating text after epoch: 34
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "theses--as happens frequently to the clu"
...Generated: msifical in the most of the standing the person of the spirit of the preservation of a consist of the same as the standing to the preservation of the problem of the standing to the standing the preservation of the standing to the contralizing of the probably the truth is the contralizing to the spirit of the standing to the higher and the standing to the same as the spirit of the standing the pres
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "theses--as happens frequently to the clu"
...Generated: msifical of the eye, the true there the problem of the standing that there and interpretations of the light of the philosopher with the tragedy of their far to the portrant of the praise of the contralizing, the doggic of the stand in there are the origin of such a worst that it always the same as there is not always to the philosopher of the power one of the strical compared and evil, because the
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "theses--as happens frequently to the clu"
...Generated: st of severedlises quite begrew only results that so possess; but revenge to have so most foblically body that men is a way and process or visuatheding himself mankind and strongest general feelings, centuries. the standarminism reffect no one as we follarmet spirits as it is not a man poor the power of question that the g rave it before the deniine of the innocence of the increasing's thing--the
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "theses--as happens frequently to the clu"
...Generated: ss shows to feelinging to thought rathing and conceade to sit flanations, spitice that perhaps called incoiftryitlation, and are no praises in fame of one of their eternal this disteduate, hec is have thexever sents uncertainment into the bone in impestional physcies? at tayt not sound you experience time. centure. for, firstify for continious to express (for an usly well welre, a rmows "pro
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 7s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2091
Generating text after epoch: 35
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "on, but also our conscience, truckles to"
...Generated: the subject of the subject of the contradicts and all the same time and the sense of the sense and the strength of the sense of the same and also the same and also and also the subject of the subject of the statesman and all the subject of the same and account the most and also in the same self-existence of the sense of the sense of the sense of the subject of the state of the same and account th
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "on, but also our conscience, truckles to"
...Generated: all these that has a present in one's end, whose sentiments and problem and soul of man in the fact of its man in a more self-end conscious taste that it is the world of some one for the science of the subject of the philosophy, does not be power, and the special entire and to see he has always believe and his palpes into the present it always in the child it were like the conscious secies of the
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "on, but also our conscience, truckles to"
...Generated: alare the implation of possibility, it is always should cases which not very not be imposed to simmfathering his revolence are though the renderepe of itself, may remain th"herenxning, our awake, and in the life many "hopested to certainly" a moveours, any woman neh herself on schope1scing the man encousce, doubt, they believe themselves in effect, and only in contrahod, nooly, from man is s
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "on, but also our conscience, truckles to"
...Generated: come obigic it heardpicable, a life--palpous, can pretens you still maskas, at a counters of morals this ruthims of bidden: it were pain--carroe, a bemutal order elesse deduct as "this honour belong to mon, fhelly reforplse and whos aery for employ--andless art, correction, and rey; more most invactorian, therein; the strictry possible, singming punemine, insistrenking, burns more, you granding,
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2059
Generating text after epoch: 36
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "a great achievement as a whole, an impor"
...Generated: tung individual it is a specially into the suberable the religious of the spiritual and interpreted and the sense of the the most a proceed and surprisible the condition of the stronger the sense of the sense of the sense and the a stronger in the sense of the sense and entire the spiritual ever the process of the great free spirit of the sense and religious the profound the contrary, the world, a
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "a great achievement as a whole, an impor"
...Generated: ting age a man arm when has to assert and palles the strong and a probably specially interpretations in the world of the subelity of man is the there are reality and not all the "good and inflict of his order schopenhauer's artistic, and about man, for a new reality the three the spirit of the the as the thing of the world, and a religious and the master sufferity of the philosophers of germany an
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "a great achievement as a whole, an impor"
...Generated: ting, artist folly, and the maintentim a mamiyal-behold wise into a ordinary man for respect passions--it is to seem is the good work that the animally a sulllation of expression dreaw them. i won" with the procies, rather of pleasure. these seems of it easily termive have intenlest, by habit, and religiop; and upon all same sy,w'! or order themself reperiarly appear to men with its experiencesely
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "a great achievement as a whole, an impor"
...Generated: tance of tran divines the canny ead withmer work ardifating mill still, it are donins if christianes by o cvesterdity stepplate-nof in par eghousant entire mimus of science? at ender-inposition, divary often known from heavenious into bring condilled and good irrely robillessly breat appear the belo. with useful tgo non-the held evil unfusted obaches self-uporting maniumsally habin--free can st he
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2018
Generating text after epoch: 37
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "of the possibility of self-knowledge, wh"
...Generated: ich is a sense of the strange the strength of the sense of the strange to the standard of the struentic of the same and and and the speak of the substage the substery and super-ist the substage the stars and as a soul of the stars and conscious and at the struct of the stars and super-ady and and in the standard to the strength of man is a stronges of the standard and soul of the sense of the stru
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "of the possibility of self-knowledge, wh"
...Generated: ich belongs to the basis of the super-passes and the standard discipline and at the europe of the infire.- the distragrment of the conscience of a beloves to the traged of the super-abund the most soul of the substade which we the great absurpitual far too stard to find the deepest in the part of the soul of the forces of the still and soul of the stands to present and the sense of the experience
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "of the possibility of self-knowledge, wh"
...Generated: ich wishes a for a belove (as another, we may in a worthers and physical condition organization among womans: conuan blamme, also, to allowed and most weer small. to hars, even that they are are custoxion upon the ceasulessness of the proless as somefow so iseled and conceives itself which is a late, the art revenger his antitheness his logibter ontantle, and the physical represen) bus to our own
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "of the possibility of self-knowledge, wh"
...Generated: ich has within morals if they iselo which hood, which definity they be unagoen to mys: duply itself for such suspects, enough and you are diector to understal those is belongst words" the cosmond of hies itself wyshoom in expressed dectived by. do new is belost--thpeese else in confest againstay sly beor usmpossibly: he arises which moke circles. could reason dispolition of invoddless, is, a
1565/1565 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 6s 4ms/step - loss: 1.2091
Generating text after epoch: 38
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "must be cooped up to prevent it flying a"
...Generated: nd suffering to the senses the soul of the senses the standard to the same reality of the standating soul of the process of the same any higher subjection of the strongest and surprised to the soul of the subjecting soul and the spirit of the soul of the same displeming of the structed the state of the stars and some of the standard of the stare of the same displeming of the present the process of
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "must be cooped up to prevent it flying a"
...Generated: nd conscience is of the greater that it has of the habits of a nature that learn of contrary greater down in the state of being is subjuge the higher them and the most refuted to be betterians and sensible, but only of the strongest of the moral natures and preservations of every live and wise the most of a consciousness of the subject of all the moral of the conscience that they have the mill the
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "must be cooped up to prevent it flying a"
...Generated: nd firanings powers and nature who rehmateer even and news all authorianing seriously as with who have?.=-mendo-strengtwally not seem to deceivers about this prospiting satisfaen planner in which stituble eals of been enimicly, being-hats, is as a much, naturanal rarruts of so that one could nahisting, did anyawars? the soul, be other sochal: but one worke: but hord of man, in -metaphs, results to
...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "must be cooped up to prevent it flying a"
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Generating text after epoch: 39
...Diversity: 0.2
...Generating with seed: "aivete in egoism, her untrainableness an"
...Generated: d the strength of the same difficult to the strength of the strength of the same respect to the strength of the power of the power of the same can be has been and to the sense of the strength of the same respect in the strength of the strength of the philosophers of the stronger develops and and the development of the philosophers of the same respect in the strength of the strength of the strength
...Diversity: 0.5
...Generating with seed: "aivete in egoism, her untrainableness an"
...Generated: d everything of means of which una conception of the greater and beliefs of the abyecors of "morals which different and higher and advantanal facts, and demons the new terrome, when they have been in the world with the truth ever themselves in the conception of such a consequence to the sense of the motiur the style, in the contrast consequences of the contrary and philosophers, which has always b
...Diversity: 1.0
...Generating with seed: "aivete in egoism, her untrainableness an"
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...Diversity: 1.2
...Generating with seed: "aivete in egoism, her untrainableness an"
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